But life doesnt always go our way. If you choose a path, there'll always be roadblocks and stuff to hinder you from successfully reaching your destiny. Trials, obstacles and things like these are life's way of turning us into better indivduals; it's also a way to strenghten bonds and relationships. Without the many dilemmas we tend to face each and every day, life would be as boring as watching the time fly while you're not doing anything. And there's nothing really productive with mere imagining, thinking or planning. If there's something you want to be successful at, you should see to it that you can do whatever it takes to make it happen.
Now let me share to you some of the rules or to-dos one should always bear in mind if he or she wants to be successful in all or most of the aspects in life:
1. Do not blame others for your misfortunes. The things happening to you, be it good or bad, are products of your own choices or decisions. Face the reality and the consequences of your own actions. Excuses are only for the losers who never seek to win.
2. Just thinking or planning is not doing. Good luck rarely comes to the inactive and less confident. Hard work and perseverance as well as patience are your tools in making your dreams come true.
3. Focus on the important things in life. If you spend too long worrying about the small things, that’s all you’ll end up with. Combat stress as efficient and as fast as you can. If you feel you can no longer take the load, spend some time to breathe.
4. Failure is progress. Every mistake is a step closer to success as long as you learn from it. If you think that things are getting more complicated and more difficult, that's the signal that success is going to be at hand sooner or later. Never give up.
5. Share your success with others; either you learn from the masters or be one of them. Successful people work together and build winning relationships. The more you surround yourself with successful and positive people, the more you learn and build.
6. Love yourself and take pride in everything that you do. Celebrate each and every success while always keeping your feet on the ground. Reward yourself even with the simplest of things. Work hard but don't push yourself to the limits. There's always a time for everything. Time and effort management should be practiced.
Focus on what you Want and not on what you Don’t. The things you didnt do when you should've done it are more regretful than those you did despite the unfavorable results. Success is a mindset. It's not merely because you dont have any luck or something. People who work harder get luckier; or should I say, more blessed. Good things would always come to those who know how to act and wait. So if you want success, go get it. Becoming successful is not as easy as buying a candy from a store. You must work hard to earn it. And if you're not going to move now, then when?
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