I think the list goes down to all those things which you dont normally do. It really pays to do something new from time to time. Doing routines can certainly suck up your life. Besides, these "things to do where you're bored" are also ways to improve yourself. It's like hitting two birds with just one stone. So deal with your boredom by trying any of the following:
- Read history even if you dont fancy it that much. You'll be surprised on how interesting events were from the past. Or Get to know your ancestors by tracing down your family tree.
- Go for a walk with a memory box and a camera. Take photos of random things or those which arouse your curiosity. Collect random stuff as you go along the way. And then, make up stories or poems out of it.
- Have some short talks with various strangers; especially with the old ones who need some company. You can also volunteer in charity works or something like that.
- Rent movies that you havent seen yet. Or stroll around your neighborhood. And if you have the means, pamper yourself with either a facial or a massage.
- Try to fly a kite or catch a fish. If you like babies or kids, try babysitting. Visiting either an orphanage or a home for the aged can be so heart-warming and fulfilling.
- Make your friends or anyone close to your heart special by sending them notes or lists of the things you truly like about them.
- Maybe it's time to pay attention to your home or room cleaning. See what you can do to efficiently remodel your house. Have a garage sale.
- Rearrange or paint your room, look for some ideas to reuse or recycle old and unused stuff like old clothes and the like. Not only that you can sharpen your creativity as you can also become productive through reusing or recycling.
- When it's raining, go out and play with the kids. It's still not too late to splash in the puddle. Play the games you once liked when you were just a kid.
- Play with your food or anything where you can come up with your own masterpiece. Of course, dont forget to take pictures of it.
- Or, wake up your dormant creative side. You can draw, write or create something artistic. Make use of the things around you. You dont have to spend much just to show the world that you're talented or creative. Make a scrapbook or try to cross-stitch.
- Create your own comics or manga; you dont have to be a real artist just to be able to come up with a good story and sketches.
- And if you still dont have your own blog, try setting up one. You'll be surprise on how you'll get hooked into it and how much time you can past up.
- Learn how to cook or bake. Experiment. Then, ask your friends to come over. Have a picnic. You can even tape your cooking adventure as if you're a host from a cooking show or something.
- Organize a traveling meal with your friends (works best if you all live close together). Go to House #1 for appetizers, House #2 for salad, House #3 for soup, House #4 for the main course, and House #5 for dessert.
- You can also try to plant either trees or flowers. Challenge yourself whether you can really make something grow. Discover the wonders of giving life.
Go on an alphabet walk. Pick a letter of the alphabet and find as many things as you can that begin with that letter. Or, try to find something that begins with each letter of the alphabet.
- Make your own time capsule. Imagine what it would be like in the future. Then write something to those people you think could uncover your time capsule. You can address it to your future wife, or kids maybe. Or something that you want to tell yourself when you're already old or dying. :D
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