This anime is perhaps the only anime (I've chose and seen) that mainly casts female characters. I like the idea of how "sexy" and cool-looking silver-eyed witches are able to wield big swords and fight against monsters which are way bigger and more powerful than them. The fighting scenes are jaw-breaking and the storyline is full of twists, mysteries and shocking revelations. This anime is so damn hard to predict. Claymore is an ongoing manga but they've finished the anime version already; yet it just keeps getting better and better. Cutting short the anime version is one of my disappointments; another is the very long wait for each manga update. :(
Claymores are female (half human and half yoma or monsters) warriors designed to exterminate the pure gut-eating yomas. But according to the warriors themselves, the term "claymore" is actually referring to their big swords. Yomas are very strong and powerful and there's no way for a normal human to fight them. Thus, a mysterious organization took some women and experimented them. By turning pure human women into half yomas, they managed to come up with skillful and powerful female warriors. However, claymores are feared by the people (because of them beng half yoma) even after they've been helped or saved from yoma attacks. The story centers to the life of various claymores, particularly to Clare, who chose to become one of them for the sake of revenge.
History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi or Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple
"Kenichi" or Shijou Saikyou No Deshi Kenichianime (in anime) is an action-packed, full of humor and interesting stuff kind of anime. This kind of anime is advisable for those who are often bullied, lacking in confidence and trust for one's self, coward and easily give up their dreams and principles. haha. But more importantly, if you are fond of martial arts or wants to learn more of it even just by reading from various sources, Kenichi can certainly boost your interest and motivate you in a fun way. Just beware of those pervy episodes. ;)
When it comes to an informative and inspiring yet humorous or funny kind of anime, Kenichi can top it all. You can learn many forms of martial arts coming from different parts of the world in this anime. Though I haven't confirmed if all the details mentioned, in both the manga and anime, are indeed true and correct, I don't think the creator would risk to make up false stories just for the sake of it. From Karate, Muay Thai to Jujitsu or Judo and other types of martial arts, Kenichi would always leave you smiling, thrilled and saying "oh, so that's how it is."
Dragon Ball Z
Remember Kame Hame Ha Wave? Or maybe you played dragon balls hunting? Did you ever wished you could also ride that kinton cloud? DBZ is one of the longest running anime that ever existed; however, it never failed to amuse and amaze its viewers. There are even many different movies and special episodes to count. I myself was not able to watch everything labeled or connected to DBZ. But, like one of the many fans of DBZ, I didnt let any chance slip just to be able to watch the main episodes. Each DBZ saga would always get you so excited and wanting for more. Also, the humor of the characters and the plot itself are quite catchy. Its originality is still yet to be rivalled. Good thing is, other anime creators never dared to make a rip-off of DBZ; or so I think. :D

Well, this kind of anime is kind of off the genre if you were to really think about it. The first 3 that I've mentioned were actually action-based anime; however, this one's pure humor and centers to the life of 7 high school students respectively. I like Ouran HS Host Club because I can somehow relate to the main character - Haruhi. The characters are sarcastic, witty and gorgeous! Each episode is jam-packed with fun and creative scenes. Also, I wonder how fun it would be like to become a part of the famous Host Club that is managed by rich brats who have nothing to do with their free time.
Here's the catch, the host club was designed to entertain female or high school girls only. Meaning, the host are all boys. But Haruhi was forced to join the club and pretend to be a boy just to be able to pay her debt. Despite her being petite, she looked really cool and kind of a "cute man" when she started transforming into a boy. She was initially mistaken as a boy because she cut her hair short; but later on, she was found out. However, the all boys host of the club remained silent about it and kept her secret. Gosh, I really want to spill everything; but I'll leave the rest to you. So, give it a try and enjoy.
Well, got to stop from here. Just watch out for my future post regarding the continuation of my top anime picks of all time. ;)