Up For Grabs


The Cool And Fun Way To Shake Your Salt and Pepper

The most common condiments that you can find in almost every household or restaurants are the salt and pepper. Many people just cant live to eat without the use of either a salt or pepper or both. The kind of taste or flavoring that both salt and pepper can add to any of your dish  sure is incomparable. While some people should not consume too much salt or pepper because of an existing illness, sufficient amount of such condiments can actually bring a blissful feeling in your dining.

Now how about if you have cool salt and pepper shakers to make your dinining experience more fun and appetizing? Have you come across with cool and funky designs for salt and pepper shakers? Why dont you take a look at these? I'm sure you'd be drooling to have any of these cool salt + pepper shakers:

Want to play with them first? But, I dont think they're for kids, though :D