Up For Grabs


"Quote My Heart" ^ ^

“Three things tell a man: his eyes, his friends and his favorite quotes.”

Quotes - I have loads of them. I really love quotes and sayings, particularly those made by wise yet humble people. Whenever I can come across several lines as I surf the net, I see to it that I can save them for future reference. And I often share most of them to my friends...

Quotes can always serve me well. They inspire me. Quotes awaken my soul. They serve as a guide - in life, love and everything under the sun. When I'm down or feeling miserable, not motivated, lost and broken, quotes are one of my effective and lifetime medicines. They can actually cure a broken heart and soul. Of course, quotes are eye-openers; they present various truth that we tend to escape from.

But for now, let me share to you some quotes on love. I actually find them cheesy yet very powerful source of inspiration - motivating me to love, and to love more... unconditionally. If only love is as uncomplicated and fun as it seems. And, if only all people know how to love the right way at the right time... But I guess all is fair in love and war. ;)

“If I love you, what business is it of yours?” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” - Jalal ad-Din Rumi

Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth. - Benjamin Disraeli

“Love takes up where knowledge leaves off.” - St. Thomas Aquinas

“Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.” - Bruce Lee

“Love is like a Rubix Cube, there are countless numbers of wrong twists and turns, but when you get it right, it looks perfect no matter what way you look at it.” - Brian Cramer

“Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it.”  - Swedish Proverb

“You can't stop loving or wanting to love because when its right, it's the best thing in the world. When you're in a relationship and it's good, even if nothing else in your life is right, you feel like your whole world is complete.” - Keith Sweat

“You know it's love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you're not part of their happiness.” - Julia Roberts

“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.” - Neil Gaiman

“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you.” - Winnie the Pooh

“Do not seek the because - in love there is no because, no reason, no explanation, no solutions.” - Anais Nin

“A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life, to be thankful for a good one.” - Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings

“I love you, and because I love you, I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies.” - Pietro Aretino

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.” - Albert Einstein

“In revenge and in love, woman is more barbarous than man.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

“It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them.” - Agatha Christie

“You can't blame gravity for falling in love.” - Albert Einstein

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” - Mother Teresa of Calcutta

“Life is one fool thing after another whereas love is two fool things after each other.” - Oscar Wilde

“I would rather have eyes that cannot see; ears that cannot hear; lips that cannot speak, than a heart that cannot love.” - Robert Tizon

“The love that lasts the longest is the love that is never returned.” - William Somerset Maugham

“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get - only with what you are expecting to give - which is everything.” - Katharine Hepburn

“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket- safe, dark, motionless, airless--it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable.” - C.S. Lewis

“When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain.” - Mark Twain

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” - Lao Tzu


You Are An Exception ^_^

Well, I guess I really cant help but post this one up. Paramore's The Only Exception had been playing over and over again inside my head. I guess I can relate to it n some ways; so, let me share to you this realistic and bitter but kind of hopeful song:

When I was younger
I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind
He broke his own heart
And I watched
As he tried to reassemble it

And my momma swore that
She would never let herself forget
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love
If it does not exist

But darling,
You, are, the only exception

Maybe I know, somewhere
Deep in my soul
That love never lasts
And we've got to find other ways
To make it alone
Keep a straight face

And I've always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable, distance
And up until now
I had sworn to myself that I'm
Content with loneliness

Because none of it was ever worth the risk

Well, You, are, the only exception

I've got a tight grip on reality
But I can't
Let go of what's in front of me here
I know you're leaving
In the morning, when you wake up
Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream


And I'm on my way to believing
Oh, And I'm on my way to believing...


Miniature Siberian Husky, I Choose You!

Chow chows are cuddly, poodles are eccentric, Shih Tzus are amusing and Chihuahuas are so cute. But I just can’t get enough of rough collies, any spitz, Japanese Chin and terriers. And if I can get the chance, I’d want to adopt an Alaskan Klee Kai or an American Akita. Oh, and that Australian Shepherd! :D

However, the dog breed that was really able to capture my heart (and had made me wish that our pet cat would be converted into such) is the “miniature” Siberian husky.

Ah, look at his eyes (though I’m not sure if the puppy’s a girl or boy LOL). But I prefer a male Miniature Siberian Husky puppy. If only I can have one *puppy eyes*…

This breed is often mistaken for the Alaskan Klee Kai; it’s no surprise why I like them both. And I can somehow see this breed’s resemblance to a cat; but of course, more of a wolf or fox. Or maybe my eyesight is just failing me.

One good thing about Miniature Siberian Huskies is that they grow up to be only around 15-25 lbs. Unlike standard-size dogs, they won’t become a hassle to your home. Although there are many other “small type” dog breeds, I still and would always want to choose a miniature version of a Siberian Husky.   

I am actually a cat-lover. I find cats more convenient than large, loud dogs. However, I wouldn’t say no, never, if handed a Siberian husky of this type. I will definitely do whatever it takes to keep such puppy loved. And cry harder, feel more broken-hearted, compared to when I lost “Nami.” Of course, each and every creature is special in his/her own way. So Nami and Miming were certainly irreplaceable. I doubt mom would let us keep a dog. Maybe someday, if I already have a house of my own, I can take care of whatever pets I choose to. :D

Love to Hate

They make me wonder. They make me condemn. What they do is confusing, leading my heart astray. Don’t want to be surrounded by people like them – poisonous, contagious. But I guess they’re already a part of this crumbling society where weak ones tend to get stronger, only if they strive to.

These are people who shout to the world that they’re mature, all-knowing and that they know love like they’ve invented it. They trash-talk and make violence apparent like it comes naturally and that the negative vibes of their resentment don’t actually affect the innocent ones whom are trying to appreciate even the simplest of things.

What a good way to start the day hearing couples fighting as if they’ve never met their partners all thanks to the power of love. They try to kill each other as if it’s the best form of the passion itself. They emanate an exemplar that would trigger singles to coil in frustration and fear.  

Why talk about love, try to live “a life” with your so-called love and say those “magical” three words like it’s one of your (dreaded) routine when you cant actually stand just the thought of it? Why do people engage in such affairs that only crumple the aspirations and/or negate the real essence of compassion? *sigh

The Bending Craze :D

The long wait is over. At last, our most-awaited movie, The Last Airbender, is now showing in the big screen. Finally! Whew! :D I am getting so excited to watch it with, uh, a lot of company. ;)

Although many bad reviews have made the movie look contemptible, I’d still want to give it a try. And try not to compare it with the original series. I know it’s not easy to squeeze a number of episodes into just one movie. So, I’m gonna go for it!

As a tribute to one of my fave anime/cartoon series, here are the characters of Avatar: The Last Airbernder that we came to love (in order of my preference LOL):

 Appa and Momo 

 Uncle Iro

Katara and Aang

Azula, Mei and Tai Li

The Link Between Us Is…

I just realized how care-less I am. How I don’t share my “real” feelings to real people, including my family, and how much I’ve been idling around like I am certain of the future. But the truth is that I’m scared – scared of what may never come and the regrets of not doing what I should’ve done. And yet, what the heck am I doing? Nothing; just the best way to cripple my existence. 

I feel helpless, directionless and wretched. I know it’s never a good idea to bring down one’s self. I am in charge of what to feel and how to seize each and every day. That I can never blame anyone on my own mistakes, even if it would help me feel better. But I guess I am too frail to say no this melancholic state. The only good thing is that I am surrounded by people who understand – people that I’m trying to loosen the bonds with.

And maybe, just maybe, this is the source of my dismay. I have mingled with various personalities that I came to forget my own. I have enjoyed the short-lived happiness, which I know isn’t wrong, but surely not good enough for me. It’s this state of change that’s drowning me. Yet I may need to. I really don’t know what to do. I don’t want to look needy, though. Ahh, pride, maybe, eh?!

At first, I thought this may disappoint people. So I realized, I no longer care what they say - just like what I used to believe; unless they slap me back to reality and convince me that I don’t belong to the gloomy wilderness that I’m heading to. I thought I should not force myself to please them. Although being with them brightens up my aura. It’s so perplexing, and painful. But it seems I have to go through this, once and for all.  

I now understand that I am truly miserable since I just can’t stop myself from writing even the most senseless of stuff. I write from the heart, though. No editing, no revising, no proofreading – all fresh from the mind to the keyboard and monitor. Maybe, I have always been like that. I admire great and aspiring writers; I feel jealous at times, but I don’t really care whenever I write. I don’t care how I sound, I just let go of the thoughts like it’s the best thing to do when venting out. 

I can’t even stop myself from sharing, and posting. I talk like crazy to my newfound shock-absorber or my human stress ball. Feels good to have someone listening to your angst and rants. But I feel scared from time to time, thinking I might get used to it. Oh, so I’ve spent long years getting close to people that I developed the fear of losing them. Reason why I’m trying to loosen the knots intensely tying me to them. I don’t want to get hurt. I don’t want to be alone, yet it feels I’m home. 

Honestly, I’m kind of torturing myself. I feel like I need to be punished. That I don’t deserve to be loved because I don’t know how to return the favour. How can I enjoy spending time with my friends when I can’t, or don’t, openly express my devotion to my family. It’s just so unfair to them (my family). I don’t know how to be caring to my siblings, and my parents; or that I’m not used to doing thoughtful things. Reason why I’m always scolded. They say I’m “walang pakialam” and that I’d rather live alone or choose “friends” instead.

If I get the opportunity to bond with my family, I see to it we all enjoy. But most of the time, we’d always be disrupted by something sensitive that’s enough to ruin the mood of the moment. It sucks and it’s traumatic. So I don’t really initiate much of our family get-together or even the simplest form of reunion. Besides, I don’t have that so-so kind of family or the one that we usually find appealing and a very good example. We all have our issues and circumstances. I say I have been through a lot; enough to make me bitter, more defensive and somehow, stronger yet unhappy. I looked for happiness in the simplest of things, yet I don’t feel worthy.   

*Sigh. ‘nuff said. Don’t know what can save me. But I’ll try to move on from this alone. Scribbling my thoughts, and part of my emotions, is more than enough to lessen my load. Perhaps, I really need detachment for now…



I am a sucker for Art; and so I can’t help but share these almost-real pencil drawings or what is called as photorealistic pencil sketches:

Added with the original work of a talented friend:

Oh well, that's all for now.. ;)

At The Crossroads...

Yesterday, I thought of writing something about Paramore’s "The Only Exception” for today’s post. But a part of me held back; maybe because the song is kind of cheesy in some sense or that dwelling on it is not really a good idea. Last night, confusing and negative thoughts ruled my head. And so, I decided to do something that I should’ve done ages ago.

Feels like I’m facing the crossroads of destiny these days. I’m trying to figure out which type of personality suits me best; because, honestly, I’m not sticking to one. Thus, I no longer know which is comfortable or not. I could still remember that I’m not friendly before or not as friendly as I am now. I was a home-buddy who’s so moody and choosy. But I guess I can naturally attract people without even trying so hard to get close to.

The thing is, I didn’t know how to respond or cherish the way people, or the so-called friends, treat me. I have always thought that it’s not my responsibility to do anything, especially if I wasn’t the one who initiated the bond. I mingle; but I don’t really make it a big deal. That’s when fate got interested in me. I met friends who value companionship like it’s a part of their life force.

I didn’t know what to do at first. But I was sure I wanted to be like them for I enjoyed having faithful friends. And so I managed to change and become someone else – someone cheerful and friendly enough to make bonds with just anybody. Something I thought was incredible and long-lasting. But I was wrong.

I wasn’t inherently nice and sociable; I thought I can do anything without being touchy. I believed that bonds such as friendship and romantic relationships would only make you vulnerable and feeble. And as days go by, I’d find more and more reasons confirming such claims. This kind of person that’s only concerned of protecting one’s self is perhaps my inner and natural self - the old personality that’s trying so hard to resurface now. Of course, it’s almost successful.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t regret being the kind of person that most people think I am. It was fun and memorable. But I’m sure I never exposed the real me yet; not even to my very close friends. They have much to learn, that is. But I guess I no longer have the inclination to be loving, caring and friendly. I have gone beyond the limits. I forgot to deal with friendship in moderation. I got lost in the bliss and promises of such thing. And so I suffered much. I became prone to pain, jealousy and other pathetic stuff. I may be bitter, but I should’ve awakened myself earlier. 
A friend told me that I should not change myself, especially if I’m not really comfortable with the idea. I think he’s right and so I’m trying to lessen the bonds I have now; before I get consumed by nasty feelings. I still haven’t overcome that sickness and I thought being the opposite would help eliminate its existence. But no, it only made things worst. Hence, I’ll try to be my old self again. We’ll see if I can manage. Hope “they” understand. Test is inevitable, eh?! :D

Hey friend, you managed to “jinx” me a couple of times already. It did work. Remember when you said yesterday that “You’re in a good mood today, but yesterday was not. How about tomorrow?” Haha. I guess this is it.

Friends, if you think I'm being unreasonable or something, please feel free to pinch me back to reality. ;)


Claim It and It Shall Be Given To You

It's not always that we are given what we really want. Sometimes, we've got to be contented with what we have and no longer ask for what we cannot get. Even being a spoiled brat has its limits. However, if you truly deserve it, then it goes without saying. Ask for it, claim it, work for it, wait, and you shall reap favorable results. Oh my, I feel that I have so many things to be thankful for. 

"Good things always come to those who wait." That's the lesson I learned from the anime (Saiunkoku Monogatari) I watched yesterday. I didnt think that it would apply to me for today or that what I've been wishing for would eventually come true (I even forgot about it). Well, maybe that's why Patience is a virtue, eh?!

I'm not really a patient person. Despite being indecisive, I am also impulsive; which frequently leads me to many forms of trouble and regrets. I never thought that this moment would come. I've never felt this satisfied and blessed.. Well, when talking about work, that is. :D

I dont make sense, I know. But I cant help but write and post this rant. I'm just happy that I get to work with my friend now. Haha. Yeah, another shallow reason to rejoice. But even the simplest and smallest of things can make me happy. You dont have to look for bigger or extreme reasons to be happy, right? Or spend much just to enjoy yourself? I'm a practical person; but I'm also a splurge-spender. Haha

I'm just trying to remind myself that If I truly want something, then I should go for it. Claim it. If I dont, how could I attract success? But of course, I know this is not applicable to each and every situation. There will always be something, or someone, that I'd like to have but can never really own or get. Too bad but that's the way things are. Oh well, I'll just have to thank whatever comes my way.

Looking forward to working with you friend. I hope we'll be fine. :))

And thanks to the early morning "jinx" of another friend. I think that helped a lot. ;)


When Dreaming Of Adam...

Most of my friends would tell me that sometimes, or most of the time, it seems like "I'm one of the boys." Well, maybe because I grew up with the "guidance" of many Uncles, I enjoy playing with the boys... and for so many other reasons. But it doesnt mean that I'm a tomboy (just boyish? Whatever :P) or something. HAHA. And this post will prove my claim. :)

I have my own set of celebrity crushes. But I dont go for the really popular guys or those men most girls drool for like Robert P. - makes me wonder... tsktsktsk... I actually categorize them according to the following:

The Apple of my Eyes

- Josh Holloway, Wentworth Miller, Jensen Ackles and Channing Tatum

I'm a "Lost", "Prison Break" and "Supernaturals" fan; and the first three guys are my fave tv actors (or maybe its their roles that I really love? ahaha) Well, what's not to like about Channing? Not only that he's a good dancer (and really yummy?) but also a versatile actor.

My Alpha Male
- Gerard Butler, Jason Statham, Johnny Depp and Robert Downey Jr.

Need I say more about them? *sigh :D Uhm, can I add Ben Barnes? (perhaps the youngest in the group) ;) P.S I dont usually go for guys with big bodies or bulging muscles; but Statham is different. He's super duper cool. Woot-woot! :D

The Small but Terrible

- Jet Li, Ewan McGregor

I have always loved Jet Li (and of course, Jackie Chan - when it comes to martial arts/action movies). And fell in love with Ewan ever since Moulin Rouge. *giggles :))

The Musician
- Jason Mraz, Josh Groban

They can serenade me over and over again without me getting bored. ;)

The Father Figure
- Liam Neeson, Al Pacino, Alan Rickman, Sean Connery

Yeah, I want them to be my dads.. They play great (father) roles, right? From a Jedi to a Mafia Boss, and James Bond; yep, including "Snape". ;)

And many to mention. I'm a sucker for movies and even tv series, you know. When I created this post, I thought of including local artists/actors in my list; but I ended up not doing anyway. :)) Maybe because I wasn't really fond of them or that I have a few choices? *peace :D Some other time, okay? ;)


If I Were To Time Travel...

Do you ever wonder - “What if I could turn back time?” or “What if I could go back to the past?” What would you do? Where shall you go or on what particular time/event of the past? Would you want to change something? Are you even interested in witnessing the events of the past? Me? Of course! As long as I “can’t” distort history, I’d really want to witness many historical incidents. I will no longer wish to go back in time so I can undo this or that. I know it’s just not fair or something – what’s there to learn if people don’t make mistakes?

All I want to do, if I were given the chance to time travel, is to observe firsthand the occurrences of the past which I’ve never been a part of…

This post is actually a continuation of (or in connection to) my previous post – Into the Time Stream.

So where do I want to go if blasted to the past?

As much as possible, I’d really want to go back to the time when…

·         The World is about to be Created
·         Moses Divided The Red Sea
·         The Ten Commandments Were Made and Presented
·         The Birth/Death of Christ
·         Dinosaurs, and Dragons are still around
·         Nature is at its best
·         Great Pyramids and the Great Wall of China are being Built
·         Troy Fell
·         Greek Mythology is quite… real
·         Cleopatra is still alive... and pretty? Hmmm
·         There’s a big fight/duel in the The Colosseum or Roman Coliseum
·         Construction of Stonehenge in Britain begins
·         The Greeks and Persians are at War
·         Japan/America Colonized Philippines

And so many more... Yep, some events may seem a tragedy or traumatic enough for those who have witnessed it... But because I wasn’t able to experience it myself, I want to find out what it feels like… I am prepared... as long as I’m an invisible spectator... ahahaha :D


Into The Time Stream…

These days, I have found myself getting inclined into reading… again. It’s been a year or so since the last time I read a good thick book, and I miss the feeling. I now get paranoid whenever I’m trying or planning to borrow a book from a friend because of “that” incident; so I’m trying to refrain myself from doing so. Haha. Well, it wasn’t actually my fault why the books I lent got “messed up.” It was the typhoon’s wrath.  

 I first decided to finish reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; but I ended up going for the Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox. I have always been fascinated with the Artemis Fowl series. The Time Paradox is the 6th instalment already and so I’m very much excited for the last (two) books. Too bad my friend still doesn’t have it. 

About Artemis Fowl: Time Paradox
What sets this series apart is its ability to rise above predictability. The characters in the Artemis series change and grow more complex with each book... This combination of ingenious plot and authentic characters who evolve over time is a pleasure to read and leaves readers begging for more.

Let me use short words to briefly describe what Time Paradox is about… something like these:
Parent. Child. Family. Self. Sacrifice. Deception. Loyalty. Time travel. Friends. Trust. Cunning plots. Comrades. Greed. Kraken. Old Foes. Future. Sarcastic Dwarf. Techie centaur. Brave Elf. Change. Chances. Inner Desires. Time. Fate.

To be continued…


Want To Blog More?

People blog for various reasons; it may be to make money out of their blog, vent out their everyday frustrations, inform readers or to extend their online network. And while most people can blog and do blog, not all is truly able to achieve the real essence of blogging. Perhaps, it depends on your end or motives for blogging.

If you are one of those people who aspire to become gurus in the field of copywriting, web content development, article marketing and the like, then it is a must that you follow certain rules in order to get the results you want. You may need to be aware of the dos and don’ts of blogging and/or copywriting.
Personal bloggers, on the other hand, need not strictly conform to the rules of writing or blogging. If you’re focused on making your blog your online journal, like me for an instance, then perhaps you are not concerned of optimizing your content or entire blog. Nevertheless, some personal bloggers might want to see a number of people subscribing to their feeds, following them on twitter or bookmark their blog site.
If that’s the case, then you should do whatever it takes to persuade more readers. And what’s better way to do that than make your blogging more effective? Write well and write right. Learn from real experts. Research; information is always the key.
Want to learn more? Here are ten simple tips to guide you through your blogging journey:
1. Assess your blog; maybe it’s time to make a change. Both the readers and the search engines love consistent updates and necessary innovations. Don’t settle for anything less.
2. Define your limits. Once you’ve chosen a topic for a particular post, stick to it. If you want to add more, do a continuation or succeeding post relating to it. Don’t squeeze everything in one post when you know it’s already more than enough. Learn how to stop yourself. There’s always another day to post and another blog post to publish. 
3. Make your intent obvious. Avoid fluff words and dangling sentences. Clarity is a winner. Furthermore, don’t forget to be consistent and persistent.  
4. Connect with the readers. Readers should always come first. Focus on getting their attention by creating something for them – it’s not just about you, it never is. Moreover, make it easy for them – from reading your posts to subscribing or linking back, give convenience. Offering free gifts such as e-books can do wonders.  
5. Omit unnecessary words. Be direct to the point. It is wise to be concise. 
6. Provide concrete examples, hard facts and shocking truth. Share short stories, anecdotes or quotes from credible authors. If you want to borrow excerpts from other blogs/websites, see to it that you return the favor by linking back or mentioning the source. 

7. List, bullet points, analogy, metaphors and simile – they can always lend you a hand. Most readers love bulleted posts or articles in list form – easy to read and digest. Metaphors and simile as well as analogies pave the way for more creative thinking.
8. Ask questions, feel your readers’ pain, give solutions. Know what readers what and need. Your content should be relevant and useful. Explain things in detail.  
9. Review your content. Always check for errors. Nothing beats a well-written blog post; thus, make sure that you proofread your work to correct spelling and grammar mistakes. Do not compromise your online reputation.
10. Be interesting, honest and humorous. You don’t have to take things seriously whether you’re blogging for money or not. Inform readers with brutal honesty and witty humor. Make unique and motivating blog posts. NEVER copy other’s content. 


I Salute To These Women ^_^

Hi there... Let me share to you some photos of pretty, cool and sexy Women in Uniform; photos of my "favorite" female soldiers (I like their uniforms, their designation, and of course, their beauty) from various countries.

I was able to discover them during one of my boring working days. They make me proud that I'm a woman.. ;) *enjoy :D


RIP, Nami :(

This is such a bad day - a really bad one. I feel so guilty.. and grief is trying to take the best of me... cant help but let the tears flow. If only my tears could wash away the sadness, and the feeling of guilt... I still cant get over it. It'll take some time, I know. But the pain right now is killing me. It hurts like hell. I can barely contain it. :(

My another favorite cat has died. Yes, this may sound ridiculous to other people; however, our cats (three of them: the mom, the older brother and the only girl - Nami) are already part of our family, I consider them my special siblings. I do my best to protect and feed them. Hearing them cry would bring me discomfort and worry; thus, it crushes my heart to see her struggle and die.

Yep, I saw how she died - she died in my hands as I tried my best to save her. But I guess I'm never enough to save her. Or maybe, it was also my fault that she didnt make it. Perhaps, I did the wrong first aid. So instead of saving her, I rushed her death. I dont know; I feel so helpless. I think it's better to blame myself. I was quite ignorant of what really needs to be done; and so I failed to save her. :(

They say dont dwell on things or failures which are actually beyond your control, including death. But I'm human; I tend to be sensitive or emotional, especially to my loved ones. I just cant accept the thought of a loved one passing away before my eyes. I cried and cried while trying to save my cat. Praying that I'll have the hands that can help her survive; but maybe I was really too late. It sucks not to be able to do anything at times like this.

I still dont know how to move on from this incident. Kind of traumatic and heart-breaking - I'd rather choose to deal with a love life issue than to bear with this kind of pain. :( The guilt is taking me over. The pain is unbearable. With all the memories, how can I free myself from this sadness and remorse? x_x

Nami, please forgive me if it was truly my fault. Please, rest in peace. :((


When I was a kid…

I had a lot of dreams. I aspired to be like this and/or that in the future. I wanted to achieve so many things. Impossible was not yet invented in my dictionary.  Felt I could conquer the world! Haha.

As a kid, my imagination was really wild, vivid and timeless. I cared for nothing but fun, adventure and the real excitement of life. I love to draw, write stories and play whatever games would come to my mind. I wonder where that kid is now…

I wanted to travel the entire world - explore, unearth and tell humanity how wonderful the universe is. I have always adored the creations of God. I love Nature, and even the innovations of man... Sadly though, the planet is no longer as beautiful as it was… 

When I was a kid… I wanted to become a…


What’s other better and pleasurable way to appreciate more the beauty of nature and the wonders of the entire universe than to travel, travel and travel? To travel the whole world is my very wish…when I was just a kid, and until now. 

I also want to unearth history, discover hidden facts and find relics. I was so inspired by a TV series way back in High School; if my memory serves me right, the show was “Relic Hunter.” I also love to watch Tomb Raider, The Mummy, National Treasure, Indiana Jones and other history-based or treasure hunting inspired movies. I loved history as long as I can remember and so I want to learn more.

I eventually wanted to become a teacher - for reality's sake. Haha. As for traveling, I think it’s wise to start a travel blog while I’m still looking for “that” opportunity.

Air Force/Navy/Marines

"To fly, fight and win ... in air, space and cyberspace." – Air Force

I’ve always wanted to explore the sky, and/or the ocean; thus the dreams. I even wanted to become an astronaut! I thought that I’ll always be free and alive whenever I can roam around the seas and the skies – reason why I love “One Piece.”

But of course, these are very risky jobs. As a kid, I was only looking at the positive and enjoyable aspects; I challenge intricacy and would always think that I shall win.

Now, as a Navy officer, you can also take part in aviation. I found out about Naval Aviators and blood surged through my veins. Isn’t that hitting two birds in one stone? Whew! :D

However, if it’s not in the US or other more technologically-advanced countries, I’d rather content myself with collecting miniature models of aircraft. Haha ;) :P


Aren’t they cool?!! Ninjas and Samurais never fail to amuse and amaze me. They’ll always be a part of my imagination and wishful thinking. Although becoming a ninja or a samurai these days seems easier said than done... if given the chance, why not? hahaha

Some people think that a ninja and/or samurai are nothing but blood-thirsty mercenaries or spies. But for me, they have an honourable reputation. Added with the effect of watching Samurai X – Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto and the like… ;)

But I guess, a police officer or a detective is more realistic and feasible. 

I also want to become an F1 pro-racer.. hahaha.. But I guess I should start learning how to drive well first.. and race with a go-kart before anything else. ;)

Although these aspirations may seem very difficult, I know they’re never impossible. I so envy those who are able to live up their dreams. Right now, I’m still having a hard time listening to my real calling. I know it’s not yet too late for me now... So, help me God. :D


On Hope and Love...

I found a website where people share with the world their most hopeful and uplifting moments - real stories (twitter-length) that show how much difference simple gestures of love and hope can do to a wretched soul. This allow others to draw strength and inspiration from their experiences; thus encouraging people to never give up on love or lose hope. And that is -  GivesMeHope.com. It is a response to the popular site, FMyLife.com (FML) where people share stories of how their day was completely ruined or how f***ed up this world is.

GMH is like Chicken Soup for the Soul - the 21st Century, Twitter-style version. it is the FML for the optimists.

The creators of this site also made a separate page for those stories which are more focused on the Love category. They called it LovesGivesMeHope.

Now, isnt this a very good idea? Why settle on the negative aspects of life when you can actually brighten up your day and others with cheerful gestures and uplifting acts? How can you move on from all the hurt and pain of the past if you are to dwell on those things instead of finding hope and love even in the smallest and simplest things?

Well, let me share to you some short stories which captured my heart and soul...

When my brother was in kindergarden, he couldn't stop talking about how cool and funny his best friend Jeremy is.

When we met him, we saw he was in a wheelchair. On the way home we asked my brother why he never told us that Jeremy was in a wheelchair.

He simply said, "Because it isn't important."


I was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

I told my husband I would understand if he wanted to leave, he didn't sign up for a mentally ill wife, and I have made his life hell for the past three years.

He just smiled and said, "In sickness and in health covers crazy, too."


I was so nervous/scared the day i brought home my first boyfriend.

I was afraid that he'd judge or be uncomfortable around my little brother Aby who has Down Syndrome.

But as soon as he saw my brother he gave him a high five and they started playing together.

Now we have little fights about who Kevin, my boyfriend, loves more.


My boyfriend was eager to meet my Mom, despite my various protests.

I pulled into the parking lot of the cemetery where she's buried, expecting him to completely freak out.

When we approached her grave, he sat down, said hello, and talked with her for an hour about how lucky he was to have me.


One day I got a phone call from my daughter's Grade 1 teacher saying I was to provide my daughter a lunch EVERY DAY!

Confused, I asked my daughter what she was doing with her lunches.

Her response? "A girl in my class doesn't get a lunch so I give mine to her."


Today, a married couple asked me to take their picture with the digital camera they had.

I counted 1... 2..., and right before I said 3, the man in the couple snuck a kiss on her cheek.


My daughter goes to kindergarten, and there is a boy there who is blind.

She didn't understand what this meant, so I explained.

The next day when I picked her up, I found her sitting across from the boy with her eyes closed, describing what trees looked like. The boy was grinning from ear to ear.

- their stories of love, acceptance and selflessness GMH...

Now, here's mine:

(I had a girl friend in grade school who was kind of boyish. One day, she got into a fierce fight with a male classmate who was actually close to her. Of course, they ignored each other after the fight. It was also during that day when some seniors bullied the guy. My friend hurriedly ran into his side and yelled at the bullies, "Don't you dare.. he's mine."

Now, they're engaged.)

These Stories Gave Me A Better Understanding and Appreciation of Life.. ;)


They Could Kill You...

However, they may also help you survive a disease as life-threatening as Cancer.

Isn't this amazing? Though it's kind of confusing and hard to believe, I think such creatures deserve more attention than fear itself. Since they're already considered deadly, most people would not even try to go near them. Just the sight of these creatures is more than enough to scare you away.

However, do you know that these deadly wildlife/rainforest creatures can also lend you a hand in times of distress? In fact, they are the favorite subjects of many scientists. Their hidden benefits made it possible to discover conventional means to curing serious diseases. Also, we're being taught to accept our differences. ;)

These are some of the top poisonous creatures that could either kill or cure you:

Scorpions against Brain Cancer

Scorpions would usually use their poison or toxins in order to defend themselves, hunt for their prey as well as drive way rivals when mating. If you accidentally startled a scorpion and it stung you, you might end up dead in an instant or suffer agonizing heart or lung problems.

The good news is, researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham have discovered that a scorpion's venom can also be used in cancer treatment, particularly to a form of brain cancer called Glioma.

They found out that the venom of the giant Israeli scorpion is harmless to humans but is certainly deadly to its cockroach prey. They tried to inject a drug derived from the venom into cancer-infected human brains; they soon found out that the poison destroyed the glioma cells only and left the surrounding healthy brain cells unscathed. 

Poison Dart Frogs for a Healthy Heart

Poisonous animals or insects usually kill, intentional or not, through fluid secretions such as sweat. As for a poison dart frog, its sweat is not something you should just take for granted. A highly-dangerous neurotoxin called batrachotoxin can ooze from a poison dart frog's pores which will then stop your heart from functioning well. In fact, its poison is used by various tribes in hunting and warfare. It was even considered as a state-of-the-art military technology. 

However, such frogs dont directly produce the said toxin or poison. They got it from either the insects they ate that ate poison plants or from the plants itself. So when poison dart frogs have been subjected to experiments, it was found out that the toxin speeds up the heart before putting it to a stop. Thus, patients experiencing cardiac arrest can still be saved once the scientists can successfuly tweak the toxin's elements coming from the frog's sweat. Batrachotoxin is also a potential ingredient in anesthetics.

Lower Blood Pressure with Vipers

Nobody wants to bond with vipers no matter how attractive they look. Although some people like to take care of some snakes, jararaca vipers should be an excemption because they are more venomous than you can ever imagine. This viper's venom works in a unique manner. It prevents blood clotting; thus, a victim is killed after bleeding to death. And this is why scientists suggest using small doses of this viper's venom for cardiac patients. It can prevent or stop arteries from hardening; this way, blood clots can be avoided or remedied.

A synthesized version of jararaca viper venom is a significant ingredient in most of today’s ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors. ACE inhibitors slow down the enzymes or prevent it from producing peptides which are causing muscle constriction that can set off a chain reaction around blood vessels. This lowers the risk of high blood pressure leading to heart attack and other ailments. ACE inhibitors with the venom of a jararaca viper are now used to treat millions of people with high blood pressure.

Who would've thought that these creatures we usually consider as nothing but deadly and creepy can actually help save human lives? Well, there are always two sides in a coin, as they say. ;)

But honestly, I felt cold while looking into the photos of these creatures. They're still my least favorite creatures, next to spiders. :D


For It Is Only Time...

Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, and all of the others, including Love.

One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all repaired their boats and left.

Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment.
When the island was almost sinking, Love decided to ask for help.

Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said, "Richness, can you take me with you?" Richness answered, "No I can't..There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place for you here."

Love decided to ask Vanity, who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel, "Vanity, please help me!" "I can't help you Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.

Sadness was close by so Love asked for help, "Sadness let me go with you." "Oh...Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!"

Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her!

Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come Love, I will take you." It was an elder. Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that he even forgot to ask the elder her name.

When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way. Love, realizing how much he owed the elder, asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who helped me?"

"It was Time," Knowledge answered. "Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?

Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is.

- Author Unknown


Slashing Thoughts.. :D

Swords, especially a katana, are my most-loved weapon of all. Though guns are pretty convenient, nothing beats the beauty of wielding the best sword ever. And my inclination for swords led me to liking anime and stuff which have something to do with slashing or fighting with the aid of swords. I have come to adore anime like Rurouni Kenshin, Bleach, Claymore and many more. Movie characters having those sharp blades as their main weapon are also the "apple of my eye." I'm even thinking of collecting some  replica swords.. hmmmm.. :D

So let me share to you some interesting, legendary/fantasy-based information with regards to swords:

El Cid Campiador, considered the national hero of Spain, had 2 known swords; the Tizona and the Colada. Both are swords that frighten unworthy opponents if wielded by a brave warrior.

Durendal, a sword that once belonged to Hector of Troy, and was given to Roland; nephew of Charlemagne and hero of the French epic- The Song of Roland. In The Song of Roland, the sword is said to contain within its golden hilt one tooth of Saint Peter, blood of Saint Basil, hair of Saint Denis, and a piece of the raiment of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On the other hand, Joyeuse was the name of Charlemagne's personal sword. Some legends claim that it was forged to contain the Lance of Longinus within its pommel.

Excalibur is the legendary and magical sword of King Arthur. In Welsh, the sword is called Caledfwlch. In the anime Fate/Stay Night, Saber uses the Excalibur. But in the real sense, Saber or sabre is a kind of backsword that usually has a curved, single-edged blade and a rather large hand guard, covering the knuckles of the hand as well as the thumb and forefinger.

Claymores are either two-handed large swords or basket-hilted scottish swords. Claymore is also the title of one of my fave anime/manga. For Claymores, the term is referring to the big swords they wield; but as for the townspeople, Claymores are the soldiers themselves.

Thuan Thiên or Heaven's Will is the Vietnamese equivalent of the Excalibur. As for the Japanese, Kusanagi (grass-cutter) or Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi is their famous legendary sword owned by the God, Susanoo which was later given to his sister, Amaterasu. hmmm.. So this is where Itachi/Sasuke's ultimate techniques came from.. :D

Jian is a double-edged straight Chinese sword. Today, the martial arts called Taijiquan still uses jian swords. However, most jian today areflexible tai-chi or wushu jian; used mainly for ceremonial purposes and not for actual combat.

Xiphos, is a double-edged, single-hand sword used by the ancient Greeks. It was a secondary battlefield weapon for the Greek armies after the spear or javelin.

In Greek mythology, you can take note of the Sword of Peleus, the father of Achilles. There's also the The Sword of Death, a grey sword that can a kill a person if you just cut a lock of their hair off.

When it comes to Japanese swords, the most famous is perhaps the so-called katana. But Katanas vary in size or length and use. Japan's master swordsmith, Masamune, made the famous and considered best weapon called Honjo Masamune.

Kodachi, is a Japanese sword that is too short to be considered a long sword but too long to be a dagger. Aoshi from Samurai X (Rorouni Kenshin) used 2 kodachi. Shiani, is a weapon used for practice and competition in kendo representing a Japanese sword.

I'd like to go on further but I thought of making a post about anime/fantasy characters and their famous weapons; swords to be precise. So see you on my next post.. I hope it really is about what I just told you... lolz


For The Love Of Dragons..

I really feel so disappointed and somehow depressed for not being able to watch "How To Train Your Dragon" last Friday on the big screen. It was so regretful that I still cant drop the thought of it until now. If only I watched it the moment or few days after I've heard that it was already aired.. *sigh* (sob sob).

I have always loved Dragons ever since I was a kid. Though I know that most "kids" or people do, I just cant shake the feeling off; just as how I love anime. I can even remember the days wherein I got really obsessed about dragons and stuff. And even though dragons are said to be eternal rivals, I still love them both. And hey, I'm born under the year of the tiger. So if they're really eternal rivals, how come such feeling of rivalry or hatred and stuff dont run through my veins against dragons.. it's even the other way around... nyahaha

I'd really like to share a lot of things with regards to dragons right now; but it seems my mood and energy are roaming around somewhere. I'll get back to this dragon thingy the moment I can feel the fiery force coming through.. nyahaha. Anyway, I just hope one of my friends can give me a satisfying copy of the movie before I'll drive myself crazy. And this made me long for other dragon-related movies.. hmm... I better go find a copy of the Dragonheart. - ciao :D

Life.. or Something Like it... ^_^

Oh yeah, I am now officially a 24 year old "semi-adult." Why the term? Well, it's because I still cant find a good direction. I mean, what the heck have I been doing all this time? Where am I heading to or why am I here? Thinking about your purpose in life, kinda sucks. And so I just keep on living for the moment. Cant I just live for today? Do I really have to worry about the future?

Well, it's not that I dont think about my future. But getting anxious about it may just shorten your life. Stress can be deadly, you know. And so I just enjoy living every moment of my life; though, not really. I mean, in life, things dong always go your way. No matter how good a planner you are, loads of things can hinder you from getting what you want. And usually, the path that you've never thought of, is actually the one that's meant for you. So dont go cursing all the roadblocks you get to deal with along the way. Those sources of pain and suffering would actually become your strength and driving force to keep moving on.

Days before my birthday, I have encountered so many heartbreaking stuff and realized a lot of things which I normally ignore. It's like I came to my senses. I was being tested and forced to make very difficult decisions. Every step I took was so damn hard I never thought I could make it. But I know, such things would keep on coming. And though they may be hard or would try to take the best out of me, they will never be impossible to defeat. Just how mysterious, challenging and beautiful life can be.



My 24th birthday is fast approaching and I never thought that, like last year, I'd be busy as hell. Busy with summer getaways and gatherings, that is. I am thinking of giving myself some challenges. At first, I thought of doing them on my 25th; but why not do it now, eh? Who knows, I wont live long anymore. We really cant predict our lives, anyway. I want to come out of my shell and explore the real essence of living. It sucks to be stuck in a routine kind of life. And so I'm letting my adventurous side out. Since loads of things are trying to bug me these days, I might as well pour them out to declutter my mind. So let me share to you 24 things that I organized through various categories:
4 Things I learned along the way...

- People who expect a lot and demand too much are always likely not to get what they want.. and even need.

- No matter how many friends you have, though they're the best ones, there'll always come a time that you'd feel alone or would even choose to be. But your own self, your real lifetime best friend, would always come to the rescue and would never fail to keep you company.

- The world is so vast.. yet when you go to the right places (unexpectedly), you'll be surprised and amazed of how smart and gifted a lot of people are... makes me wonder just how magnificent life really is if you only live it to the fullest.

- You will hurt people around you either because you really care.. or you just dont.

4 Things I'll Always Remember...

- The feeling after someone you never thought would talk to you would make an effort to do so.

- The strenght and perseverance of my mother and those painful expriences that made us all strong and better persons.

- The gratitude of having wonderful friends and being blessed while others are so unfortunate.

- Whenever you feel the drive, the inspiration and the timing go hand in hand, keep moving and dont give up without fighting.

4 Things I miss...

- The laughter of a complete family and the reunion with once close relatives
- Being pampered so dearly despite throwing tantrums, being so selfish and stupid.
- School, the clean river and beaches, the many trees and green sceneries.
- Talking and being with people who were always with you when you were younger...

4 Things I'm Afraid of...

- Losing important memories
- Spider (Thanks to Jimmy I slightly overcame it)
- Making decsions which are not only wrong but can hurt those people I love
- Not being able to tell my loved ones that I really do care.. despite being like "this"..

4 Things I Want To Do But Still Cant...

- Travel around the world!!! lol
- Martial Arts/kung Fu? Well, I can If I Really Want to.. ;)
- Karting/kart race
- Engage into some serious or romantic relatioships/commitment? lols

4 Things I'll Dare To Myself...

- talk to "selected" strangers... not for long, of course.. lol
- hug and/or kiss (people I like/love, of course..lol) as much as possible.. even just for a day :)
- walkathon? or explore local places..
- make my friends dare me.. ahahah