Do you know what love is? Can you truly define the word love? Is love really a splendid thing? Well, they say that being in love is one of the most desirable things in this world. However, love is not limited to such one definition. Though there is what people call a general definition of love, I believe that it is still divided into various classifications. Love for God, love for family, love for friends, for the nature, and for your special someone or beloved opposite sex as well as love for other things. Each and ever person has its own way of giving love a meaning,. Some people would even say that love can never be defined with words. It's a feeling unique to each person towards other people.
But nowadays, it seems that many people no longer take real love into consideration; even its simplest form. As you can see, more and more acts of violence are making so many people's lives miserable. It seems that Love is no longer the most powerful thing in this world but greed, envy or pride. People's hunger for power puts this world into a terrible mess, a chaos that's speeding up the limits of this world. Aside from all the effects of our abuse and neglect to Mother Earth such as the global warming and stuff, war and other life-threatening actions are making this planet a unsafe place to dwell upon. The earth is no longer a safe haven for the future generations.
So where is the love? Is it not love that would keep us going? Now what does it take for harmony and peace to go hand in hand? What are we living for up to this day? it's so heart-breaking to realize that most people no longer recognize the real meaning of loving one another as well as loving thyself. Love is no longer enough to keep families from breaking apart.
And when it comes to dating, most people nowadays are more inclined to being casual. From making out to having a one night stand, such things have become a conventional part of dating. At first, I thought dating was a way to know more about your potential or future partner. It's somehow a part of the getting-to-know stage. I believe people date so they can bond with new acquaintances, a guy would ask a girl out so they can spend time together and learn stuff from each other. Well, that's how it should be, I supposed. But nowadays, both teens and adults take for granted the real essence of a proper and respectable dating. Some people don't even know the appropriate manners or ways to effectively deal with other people, particularly the opposite sex.
When it comes to dating, most guys, and even gals, couldn't help but think of making out or kissing torridly even just on the first date. Some "liberated individuals" would even dare to make out with strangers; and worst, have sex with them. Gosh, what's gone with the world? What the heck is happening to everyone? Have we already forgotten how to behave well? have we lost our respects to ourselves and to other people? The way people accept and carry out the word "liberal or being liberated" has gone over the limits. It's so sickening to look at pretty young girls moving about as if nothing matters more than sex or having a stupid relationship with immature guys. Hey, there are a lot of things more precious and meaningful to do than just hanging around the bars smoking and drinking as if there's no tomorrow.
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