Up For Grabs


Broken Pieces

It has been.. hmmm... cant remember anymore..maybe, "blank" months or years since the last time I saw my dad. Mom and dad got separated when I was about to finish high school. And the sad part is, it happened a month before Christmas. So whenever December would come and he's still not with us, bad memories would keep on haunting me. Until now, it's still so painful to think about the past. Of course, we've kind of moved on. However, we cant deny that we badly miss and need him.

That being said, it's obvious that I'm one of those who belong to a broken family. Loads of bad things happened to our family and so I'm proud to say that we were able to survive. Thanks to my patient and courageous mom who never dared to give up on us. She had always worked so hard and dealt with things efficiently without complaining. I am so proud of my mom though she cant feel my appreciation for her. I'm not really the showy type. When it comes to my family, I'm kind of different compared when I am outside our home. I'm the reserved type, and sometimes, the worst kind of daughter. But I've always wanted the best for my family. I want to give them everything they need; I feel pathetic and useless whenever I cant do whatever they need from me. But nevertheless, thank God that I have a wonderful and blessed family.

Though broken, I dont really feel like there's something missing because of my family's warm support and ever-dearest presence. Added with the love and concern of my friends, I tend to forget all the heart-breaking memories I've had. Now, going through anything is no longer a problem. Of course, God is our refuge and strenght. He's the most gracious, loving and merciful father I'd never want to lose. Without a father like him, I'd be nothing. He keeps my family strong and safe. He's filling all the missng pieces and fixing what needs be. Though I can still find myself regretting all the things that happened, I know, there are reasons behind. And my parent's separation might've been the best thing for us. I just hope that my father is well. And that we can see him again, before it's too late.