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The Bending Craze :D

The long wait is over. At last, our most-awaited movie, The Last Airbender, is now showing in the big screen. Finally! Whew! :D I am getting so excited to watch it with, uh, a lot of company. ;)

Although many bad reviews have made the movie look contemptible, I’d still want to give it a try. And try not to compare it with the original series. I know it’s not easy to squeeze a number of episodes into just one movie. So, I’m gonna go for it!

As a tribute to one of my fave anime/cartoon series, here are the characters of Avatar: The Last Airbernder that we came to love (in order of my preference LOL):

 Appa and Momo 

 Uncle Iro

Katara and Aang

Azula, Mei and Tai Li


leomkun said...

how do you find the movie? hehe

Aries Marshall said...

I tried not to compare.. so it's just ok... I understand why the movie lacks a lot of astonishing elements... but they should've made it better considering how long we've wait.. But it's fine.. for me.. I enjoyed our "rush to catch" instead. LOL

leomkun said...

I didn't like the movie at all. Hope they'll get a new director for the next 2 movies :( yeah the thrill of catching the movie was fun haha :D